In our fast-paced and digital-centric world, finding the time and energy to maintain a positive outlook on life can be extremely difficult. We are constantly bombarded with negative news stories, which only makes us feel more pessimistic about the future. However, an easy way to counterbalance all this negativity is to practice gratitude. Gratitude is the act of acknowledging the goodness in our lives. When we practice gratitude, we focus on all the things that are right in our world instead of what’s wrong. It’s a simple concept with far-reaching benefits. Check out my top 10 tips for raising happy kids who are filled with gratitude…
Have a nightly ritual
Even after our kids are in bed, we still have time to reflect on the day. However, many of us take advantage of this opportunity. Instead, we spend evenings binge-watching TV shows or scrolling through social media. This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the positive things throughout the day. It is also a chance to set yourself up for a positive start to the next day.
Go on a gratitude walk.
Walking is a great way to get away from the clutter and focus on your thoughts. When you go for a walk, you can clear your mind and focus on the present. Research has shown that people who walk often have increased cognitive function and a higher attention span. Walking in nature is a great way to clear your mind and improve your mood if you are feeling stressed or anxious. Studies have shown that walking in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Be grateful for the small things.
As children grow up, they will encounter many challenges in life. They will experience failure, disappointment, and heartbreak. It’s inevitable. When these things happen, we can either let them get us down or choose to look for the lesson in these experiences. When our kids experience failure, let’s be grateful that they are facing it. When they experience disappointment, let’s be thankful that they are disappointed by something. When they experience heartbreak, let’s be thankful that they can love. When we are grateful for the small things, we can see the positives in even the most difficult situations. Let’s be grateful for the small things and raise grateful kids.
Celebrate the little victories
As we go about our daily lives, we constantly strive to be better versions of ourselves. We want to be more compassionate and patient, more organized and productive. However, it’s easy for this striving to become an unhealthy obsession. We want to be the best parent, partner, and employee. When our kids are young, it’s important to celebrate the little victories. Let’s celebrate every time our child does something for the first time, such as taking their first steps or forming their first words. What about when kids get old enough to fail? How do we celebrate the little victories when everything is a competition?
Let's Talk:
Our kids are constantly forming opinions about the world around them. They absorb information from the moment they are born. Therefore, we must take control of what information they are receiving. If we want our kids to grow up happy and grateful, we need to start practicing gratitude ourselves. We need to be thankful for the small things, and we need to celebrate the little victories. Let’s celebrate everything that is right in our world. Let’s be grateful for the small stuff and raise grateful kids!