As a parent, you want to give your kids all the support they need and be there for them. But as a human being, you also need time away from the constant stress of parenting. As parents, we often feel like we cannot ask for help or take time away from parenting because that means not caring about our kids. Parenting is challenging because it’s a job with no HR department, training program, or handbook. Every parent makes mistakes and feels like they’re failing their kid at some point. The important thing is to keep going, find solutions where you can, and ask for help when you need it (without feeling guilty). Here are nine tips on how to ask for help and take breaks from parenting without feeling guilty:
Be honest about your limits
Are you constantly taking on new projects at work and home while neglecting yourself? This might be a sign that you’re trying to do too much and have too many expectations of yourself. If you cannot meet your own needs, you cannot meet the needs of others. It’s important to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Once you find your limits, you can learn to negotiate with your partner, kids, and friends.
Ask for what you need
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, it’s important to talk to your partner about how you’re feeling. You may feel like you’re not allowed to talk about your feelings because you don’t want to seem like a bad parent. However, as parents, we all have moments of feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to share your feelings without shame. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need help, it’s important to ask for it. You don’t have to do everything alone and you don’t have to pretend that everything is okay when it isn’t. It’s important to talk to your partner about your feelings. This may help you feel less overwhelmed and help your partner understand how they can help you. Communication is key when it comes to parenting: talk about your expectations, feelings, and what you want to see from your partner.
Ask friends and family to take care of your kid(s) for a few hours or a day
If your kid(s) are older, they may be able to help you out with day-to-day tasks. For example, your kid(s) could help with cooking, cleaning, taking care of their siblings or doing some research online. Another way to ask for help is by asking friends or family to take your kid(s) out for a few hours or a full day. You may feel guilty asking your friends and family to take care of your kid(s). However, it’s important to remember that friends and family want to help. If you feel guilty about asking for help, you’re probably not ready to ask for help. You may feel like you owe your friends and family something, but you don’t. Friends and family want to help you and your kid(s) because they care about you and want to see you succeed. Friends and family want to see you happy, so let them help.
Don’t be afraid to take short-term paid help
If your kid(s) are younger, you may want to consider hiring a babysitter or Millions of parents have found success with paid childcare providers. There are many ways in which you can find the right person for your family and situation. You can ask friends and family for recommendations, look on online forums, check your local childcare, center, and even look at online services such as If you feel like your kid(s) is/are struggling, you should consider talking to a therapist forms of therapy areas are designed to help parents, including family therapy and parent coaching. Therapy is not a sign of weakness and it’s not a sign that you’re a bad parent. It’s a sign that you want to be a better parent and that you want to make sure your kid(s) is/are okaCheck-in
Check in with a therapist, cou, counselor or coach.
If your kid(s) is/are struggling with something that you may not know how to handle, it’s important to check in with a therapist. For example, if your kid(s) is/are struggling with depression or anxiety, it’s important to find a trained therapist who can help your kid(s) find solutions and support. Therapy is not about blaming yourself or feeling guilty for your kid(s)’ struggles. Rather, therapy is about helping your kid(s) (and you) understand their feelings and how you can support your kid(s) through their struggles. If your kid(s) is/are struggling with something you do not feel equipped to handle, it’s important to talk to a professional. You can find a therapist or counselor by calling your insurance provider or visiting the website of your state’s board of psychology or board of counselors.
Let's Talk:
Parenting is challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. The more support you have, the easier parenting will be. Don’t feel guilty about asking for help. Everyone needs support at one point or another, and there is no shame in asking for it. Asking for help is a sign of strength.